Cost of Lost Customers Calculator

A 2009 Convergys Corp. Study found that a single negative online review can cost the average business the loss of 30 customers.  A 2011 Cone Online Influence Report says that 80% of people interviewed said negative online information changed their mind about purchasing a product or service.  Calculate below the value of one customer and his/her referred business.  Then determine your total loss based on your negative reviews and the number of people that each chases away.

Enter your amounts in fields A, B, C, D, E, F and G (all are required).

A. Amount of Average Sale:

How much is spent on one sale?
B. Number of Sales per Year:

How many times does he/she buy per year?
C. Number of Years a Customer:

How may years will customer keep buying?
D. Additional Customer Referrals per Year:

How many additional clients will he/she refer per year?
E. % of Referrals Becoming Customers:

What percent of those become customers (enter 50% as 50)?
F. Number of Negative Online Reviews Annually:

How many negative reviews do you have from the Reputation Report?
G. Number of Lost Customers per Review:

How may customers lost per negative review? Convergys says 30 per. You can put in less per negative review.

Fields H, I, J, K and L are dynamically calculated from the input section above.

H. Gross Sales per Year per Customer: $10,000
I. Total Lifetime Value of a Lost Customer: $420,000
J. Lost Revenue (Yearly Customer Value): $200,000
K. Lost Revenue (Monthly Customer Value): $16,667
L. Lost Revenue (Lifetime Customer Value): $8,400,000

  • 2009 Convergys Corp. Study: Single Negative Online Review can Cost the Average Business an Average Loss of 30 Customers
  • 2011 Cone Online Influence Report: 80% say NEGATIVE online information changed mind about purchasing a product or service